International Report - Issue 190
01 August 2024
International Report August 2024
- EU AI Act: Will there be Brussels effect(s)?
The EU aims to establish a world-class AI hub. Will companies and legislators globally follow its regulatory lead? Independent scholar Graham Greenleaf assesses the situation. - Germany debates changes to its federal data protection law
Julia Garbaciok and Katharina Weimer of Fieldfisher assess the upcoming changes to the German Federal Data Protection Act and their current status.
- Training of AI models
- GDPR: Much Ado About Nothing
- AI and privacy
- Online tracking: A post-cookie future?
- Will the EU streamline its data laws?
- How decentralized social networks affect privacy
- Ambiguity ‘fairness’ in EU GDPR
- Personal data on the balance sheet
- Ireland, Hamburg and UK DPAs act on Meta’s AI training model
- Nordic DPAs stress children’s privacy and AI
- OECD releases a report on AI and privacy
- EDPS publishes guidelines on AI and personal data
- Latin American SCCs guide
- New AI research centre begins work
- EDPS celebrates 20 years
- EU AI Board meets for the first time
- EDPB issues a website auditing tool
- Consumer organisations challenge Meta over pay or consent
- LinkedIn limits ad targeting following complaint from civil and human rights group EDRi