DMA works towards a code of conduct for the marketing sector
The Data & Marketing Association hopes that a code would help to achieve consistent implementation of the GDPR in its sector. By Laura Linkomies.
GDPR sectoral codes are accountability tools that can act as a mechanism to demonstrate compliance and bridge the differences in Member States’ application of data protection law. Codes are meant to give industry sectors an opportunity to present, as best practice, bespoke and practical data protection rules (PL&B UK Report January 2020 p.1)
The UK marketing body is quite advanced in this work and aims to have a code approved soon.
Speaking at the Westminster eForum policy conference in February, Chris Combemale, Chief Executive Officer from the Data and Marketing Association (DMA) said that Article 40 of the GDPR states the importance of industry codes of conduct: The European Data Protection Board and the Commission shall encourage the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation, taking account of the specific features of the various processing sectors and the specific needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
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