Day 1 | Tuesday 23 February 2021 |
Session 1UK - 14.00 to 15.00 |
The Polish GDPR experience: privacy notices, consent and retention periodsLeslie Shanklin, Vice President, Privacy Office, Discovery Inc, USA |
Session 2UK - 15.05 to 16.05 |
Landmark GDPR enforcement actions in PolandPiotr Drobek, Counsellor, Personal Data Protection Office, Poland |
Day 2 | Thursday 25 February 2021 |
Session 3UK - 14.00 to 15.00 |
Employee relations under the GDPR and the Polish labour law. How the Polish DPA and other regulatory bodies approach COVID-19?Maria Owczarek, Head of the International Cooperation Division, International Cooperation and Education Department, Personal Data Protection Office, Poland |
Session 4UK - 15.05 to 16.05 |
Action points for DPOs and companies operating in PolandCathal McDermott, Senior Legal Counsel, Privacy and Regulatory Affairs, Microsoft, Ireland |