Balancing New Data Protection Law with Changing Business Needs

13 - 15 July 1998

St. John's College, Cambridge, UK


The deadline for the new laws are fast approaching. By October 24th this year, the new data protection laws will start to require of your organisation many changes to respond to their wider scope, their tougher requirements and their stronger individual rights. Are you prepared? How will you balance the new data protection laws with your changing business needs? How to understand the issues and how to tackle this question provide the theme for this year’s conference.

Conference Programme

The programme covers aspects of the new data protection laws which are essential for you to manage the process of transition from the old to the new. We are delighted to present the following firsts:

  • George Howarth MP, the Home Office Minister, who is currently
    piloting the UK’s Data Protection Bill through the House of Commons.
  • Professor Dr Spiros Simitis, a consultant to the European Commission and a former Data Protection Commissioner in Germany, on how the EU countries are implementing the EU Data Protection Directive and on the ILO’s Code of Practice on the Protection of
    Workers’ Personal Data.
  • Marie Georges, from France’s Data Protection Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, on some of its recent policy decisions and the impact of the new law there.
  • Nick Grouf, the CEO of Firefly, recently acquired by Microsoft, on empowering individuals to control their personal information, in a session on protecting privacy on the Internet.
  • A platform for the draughtsmen of the rival model contract provisions to explain their approaches to transferring personal data outside the EU to those countries without
    "adequate" laws.
  • The new UK data protection draft regulations on telecommunications and telemarketing.
  • The relationship between the new UK Data Protection Act and the open government bill.
  • We are also delighted to welcome back Elizabeth France, the UK’s new Data Protection Commissioner.