Book review

Reviewed by Laura Linkomies

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A commentary
Edited by Christopher Kuner, Lee A Bygrave and Christopher Docksey. Assistant Editor, Laura Dreschsler.

The four editors and nearly 30 other expert contributors from academia, EU institutions, DP authorities and national governments, law firms and the private sector have excelled at the mammoth task of analysing each of the GDPR’s 99 articles.

Taking into account legal processes until 1 August 2019, the authors express their views on how the GDPR’s articles and recitals should be interpreted, and also discuss Member States’ developments on a selective basis where there have been substantive developments in a given area. The commentary also usefully lists some academic writings, papers by Data Protection Authorities and relevant case law. It is not possible to review this 1,390-page book in full here, but it is certainly a great tool for anyone who works with the GDPR.

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