STAR Research project launches free GDPR training materials
A set of freely available, GDPR training materials are now available thanks to cooperation between DPAs, academics and business. By Dr David Barnard-Wills, Trilateral Research.
Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) and Data Protection Officers (DPOs) are legally obliged to undertake training activities. In support of that obligation, the STAR project has developed ready-made, easy-to-customise and easy-to-run training materials, easily adaptable to specific training situations. The STAR training materials are based upon research into existing GDPR training practices as well as gathering information about training needs and requirements identified by practitioners and other stakeholders. They can be downloaded from the project’s website(1). We’re holding a launch event for DPOs organised by the Brussels Privacy Hub on 17 October 2019(2) and a side event for DPAs at the 41st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) in Tirana on 22 October 2019.(3)
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