Young people less concerned about privacy than older generations
Young people aged 18-24 are the most willing to share their personal data and have fewer concerns that other age groups, a survey by the Global Data and Marketing Alliance (GDMA) reveals. For example, in the UK, 76% of the 65+ are concerned about online privacy, but this falls significantly to 54% among those aged 18-24. In the US, such differences are even starker, with 84% of the 65+ claiming to be concerned about online privacy versus just 50% of 18-24s.
The GDMA, which represents 28 data-driven marketing associations from around the globe, says in its Global Data Privacy: What the Consumer Really Thinks report that 27 % of 18-24s in both Germany and the US say that the COVID-19 pandemic has made them more comfortable with sharing personal information online.
Younger consumers also show a stronger willingness to share personal data to drive the competitiveness of smaller businesses. For example, among the 18-34s, 60% in France and 64% in the UK say they would be more likely to share personal information to help provide a competitive advantage to smaller companies over larger ones.
The GDMA’s first global edition of this research was undertaken in 2018 covering 10 countries on four continents (Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, the UK and the US). This 2022 edition has been expanded to 16 countries representing over half the world’s population with the addition of Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Japan and Mexico.
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