Study published on role of DPOs in 14 EU countries
The Confederation of European Data Protection Organisations (CEDPO), established in September 2011, welcomes the introduction of Data Protection Officers (DPOs) for EU Member States, as proposed by the European Commission’s draft Data Protection Regulation (Arts. 35-37) and simultaneously published a study on the role of DPOs in 14 EU countries.
Pascale Gelly of the AFCDP (France’s Association of Data Protection Officers), and principal author of the study, informed PL&B that CEDPO has issued a comparative study on the function of the DPO in the 14 EU Member States where DPOs are currently recognised: “CEDPO will share their pan-European experiences on topics such as the necessary qualifications which DPOs should hold, the scope of the DPOs tasks and how to ensure their independence.” The study covers: France, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Lithuania, Latvia, Switzerland, Malta, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Spain.
Sachiko Scheuing of the Dutch NGFG (Nederlands Genootschaap van Functionarissen voor de Gegevensbescherming) said: “The positive impact of DPOs is already proven by a study of the Dutch Ministry of Justice. We are pleased to hear that this fact is recognised at European level.”
“Organisations can appoint an internal or external DPO, depending on their individual demands. It is even possible for a group of companies to appoint a single European DPO. The flexibility provided in the draft can accommodate the needs to fit organisations of all sizes”, Cecilia Alvarez of Spain’s APEP (Asociación Profesional Española de Privacidad) explained.
See the 14 country comparative analysis, dated 7 February.
CEDPO’s announcement also gives contact information for the four member organisations from France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.
The EU Data Protection draft Regulation will be covered at PL&B's 25th Anniversary International Conference 2-4 July 2012 at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.
See a video clip of Pacale Gelly’s presentation at Privacy Laws & Business’s 24th Annual International Conference in July 2011 on the role of the DPO in 10 EU countries.