Singapore proposes model AI governance framework for GenAI

Singapore’s AI Verify Foundation and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) have launched a public consultation on their draft Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI (GenAI).

The organisations say that there is a need for global collaboration on policy approaches, and that the nine dimensions put forward in this framework provide a basis for global conversation.

The proposed governance framework seeks to find a systematic and balanced approach to address generative AI concerns while continuing to facilitate innovation.

Personal data is recognised as one of the core elements. “A useful starting point is for policymakers to articulate how existing personal data laws apply to generative AI... For example, policymakers and regulators can clarify consent requirements or applicable exceptions, and provide guidance on good business practices for data use in AI.”

The paper also promotes the use of Privacy Enhancing Technologies in the development of AI models. The understanding of how PETs can be applied to AI will be an important area to advance, the authors say.

The other eight elements in this discussion paper are Accountability, Trusted Development and Deployment, Incident Reporting, Testing and Assurance, Security, Content Provenance, Safety and Alignment Research & Development, and AI for Public Good.

Comments are sought by 15 March 2024. See the Proposed Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI

Privacy Laws & Business 37th International Conference, Valuable Data, Priceless Privacy, will feature several sessions on AI.