Pubs and restaurants asked to keep a temporary record of customers and visitors

As pubs and restaurants open in England tomorrow, they are under the obligation to keep a record of their customers in order to assist the NHS Test and Trace programme to detect Coronavirus outbreaks.

The government asks these organisations to keep a temporary record of customers and visitors for 21 days, making some of them data controllers for the first time. However, some businesses already have an online system for recording their customer bookings.

These organisations are reminded to follow the basic data protection principles of data minimisation, purpose limitation and security. Organisations should inform their customers of how long their data will be kept for, and once the 21 day retention period has finished, securely delete the data.

The legitimate interest for collecting the data in this case is soley facilitating contact tracing for COVID-19.

Listen: Privacy Paths Podcast - Pubs and hospitality - dealing with data collected for Covid-19 tracing

See:  UK Government guidance - Keeping workers and customers safe during COVID-19 in restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services