PL&B International E-news, Issue 51
1. Luxembourg users of SWIFT assure DPA of compliance with EU DP law
As a follow up to the previous international e-news (November 27th) and report in the December edition of Privacy Laws & Business's International Newsletter, M. Gerard Lommel, Chairman of Luxembourg's Data Protection Commission, has written to PL&B today. He states that on 14th December, in a meeting with him and Luxembourg's Central Bank, ALMUS, the association of users of SWIFT in Luxembourg, assured him that they are taking action to comply with European Union data protection law. The Commissioner writes that enforcement action is "envisaged" if the current situation remains unchanged.
We have emailed a pdf of M. Lommel's letter to all subscribers of the International Newsletter.
Our European Privacy Officers Network is discussing holding a roundtable with M. Lommel in Luxembourg in the second quarter of 2007.
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