Planned EU Data Act would increase B2B access to and sharing of data

The European Commission is currently seeking input on the EU Data Act which aims to increase data sharing, potentially also including sectoral data sharing between companies.

This proposal for a regulation stems from the experiences during the Covid 19 pandemic in terms of the essential role of data use for crisis management. The Commission wishes to encourage more data sharing so that more public and private actors can benefit from techniques such as Big Data and machine learning. The proposal is said to be in full compliance with the GDPR and the e-Privacy rules.

The consultation is divided into eight sections:

  1. Business-to-government data sharing for the public interest.
  2. Business-to-business data sharing.
  3. Tools for data sharing: smart contracts.
  4. Clarifying rights on non-personal Internet of Things data stemming from professional use.
  5. Improving portability for business users of cloud services.
  6. Complementing the portability right under Article 20 GDPR.
  7. Intellectual Property Rights – Protection of Databases.
  8. Safeguards for non-personal data in international contexts.

Responses are sought by 3 September.
