Italians concerned about privacy but willing to exchange data for commercial incentives

Italians are well aware of their privacy rights, suggests an online survey conducted by Italy’s Direct Marketing Association, supported by Consodata (a Seat Pagine Gialle Company), a marketing and communications agency, and launched at a media event with the Garante, Italy’s Data Protection Authority on 5 May in Rome.

Eight out of ten survey respondents (total: 800 people) say that they pay considerable attention to privacy online, and 27% had contacted an organisation to request having their details deleted. 72% of respondents were aware of this right, even if 33% said that they do not read privacy policies.

Four out of five (82%), think that people disclose more personal information than they used to do because of the Internet. Italians think that financial data is the most sensitive category, followed by mobile phone numbers. A surprisingly large 92% of respondents are aware that companies collect personal information online to target individuals with targeted advertising, and two-thirds (67%) think that this is useful as they like to receive personalised offers and advertisements. This could be because 39% say they trust the organisations and 33% say their main motivation is to find the best price.

The survey, conducted in October-November 2014, looked at:

  • Attitudes and resistance to providing personal data
  • Awareness of how to protect one’s personal data
  • Perception of the benefits of sharing one’s personal data
  • Importance and meanings attributed to the privacy issue
  • Evolution of attitudes regarding privacy law
  • Preferences regarding different ways of using personal data
  • Impact of social media on attitudes and behaviours.

For more information, contact Claudia Ricevuti, Communications Manager, Consodata, Milan. Telephone: +39 02 60757024 E-mail :