ICO’s launches its publication scheme plan for 2012/13
The ICO will introduce a revised FOI Model Publication Scheme to apply to all sectors from 1 April 2013, with definition documents providing sector specific guidance to accompany the main scheme.
Announcing the plans now will allow public authorities appropriate time to understand the requirements and prepare for implementation.
The ICO aims to review and update the central government and local authorities (England) definition documents by the end of June 2012, and will expect implementation within six months of finalising the relevant new definition documents.
In an ICO consultation, there was significant support for retaining one model publication scheme under section 20 of the FOIA with accompanying sector based definition documents.
The Commissioner will also issue initial guidance on ‘open data’ and ‘datasets’, as defined in the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 which received Royal Assent on 1 May.
The ICO’s publication scheme action plan is here.
See a summary of the consultation results.
Graham Smith, Deputy Information Commissioner, who heads the ICO's FOI work, is giving a presentation on Open data at PL&B's 25th Anniversary International Conference in Cambridge, 2-4 July 2012. The Early Bird discount applies for only one more day until Friday 18 May.