Have your say on the ICO’s services
The Ministry of Justice has launched a consultation to find out stakeholders’ views on how the ICO delivers its services, how the organisation’s independence should best be preserved, and how fit the organisation is for the future.
The call for evidence is part of the ICO’s Triennial Review which is part of broader government process of reform of public bodies to ensure that public sector organisations deliver services effectively. The review will consider the organisation’s structure, efficiency and performance. The consultation is open until 16 January 2015.
The ICO has said that the possible new functions and responsibilities under the EU Data Protection Regulation, together with diminishing budgets, will put it under strain. If the Regulation is adopted, the ICO will lose the monies currently paid as notification fees.
The Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, has said that he would be happy for the ICO to be made directly accountable to, and funded by Parliament, rather than by government.