Government proposes to increase data protection fees

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) is currently consulting on proposals to amend the current data protection fees payable to the ICO. The government says that the proposals aim to secure the financial resources required to support the ICO in its new tasks.

Currently tier 3 (large organisations) pay an annual fee of £2,900. The new proposed fee would be £3,979. A large organisation is defined as either having more than 250 staff or an annual turnover greater than £36 million.

The government is not proposing any other changes to the tiering structure, exemptions or direct debit discount. Overall, there would be an increase of 37.2% distributed evenly across the tiers.

Peter Kyle, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology writes: “The proposals contained in this document outline a proportionate set of increases to the annual data protection fees that will amount to between £15 - £22 [£40 to £55 and £60 to £82] for 99% of fee payers. I am confident this is a reasonable and justified uplift to make in view of the vital work which the ICO undertakes, and one that will ensure the ICO’s ongoing effectiveness in supporting the UK’s data protection framework. However, my final decision on the level of increases will be informed by the outcome of this consultation.”

The consultation closes on 26 September 2024.