Germany’s DPAs: Purpose limitation must not be weakened
Germany’s Data Protection Commissioners declare that the principle of purpose limitation must not be weakened by the proposed EU Data Protection draft Regulation. The German DPAs issued a press release on 26 August in which they oppose the proposals made by the EU Council with regard to purpose limitation, and say that the position would be in breach of the European Charter of Human Rights.
The Council proposed that further processing by the same controller for incompatible purposes, on grounds of legitimate interests of that controller or a third party, shall be lawful. The Council has also proposed special treatment for the processing of data for statistical, historical or scientific purposes.
Germany’s DPAs also say that data minimisation must be one of the leading principles in the reform – in the age of Big Data, data minimisation is more important than ever. In addition, the Germans call for mandatory Data Protection Officers both for private and public sectors, and limitations on profiling.