European Parliament’s LIBE committee: Buttarelli for EDPS post

The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee voted yesterday to nominate Giovanni Buttarelli as top candidate for the post of European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). Buttarelli is currently Assistant Supervisor. The Committee would like to see Wojciech Wiewiorowski, Privacy Commissioner for Poland, whose term there was recently renewed, as the new Assistant Supervisor. The appointments still need to be agreed with the Council of Ministers, and are for a five-year term.

Today, the European Parliament elected the Juncker Commission. The Commissioners who will have responsibility for data protection and privacy are as nominated (PL&B e-news 2nd October 2014); Andrus Ansip, Vĕra Jourová and Günther Oettinger. Jourová will be the person to deal with day-to-day matters on the DP reform package and the US Safe Harbour.

Read more about the developments on the DP draft Regulation in PL&B International, to be published this Friday. 

More information and recording of the EDPS hearings at the European Parliament is available here