EU-US ‘data protection umbrella agreement’ for judicial matters under preparation
Following the EU-US summit, President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, said in a statement on 26 March: ‘On the governmental track, we'll have an umbrella agreement on data protection by this summer, based on equal treatment of EU and US citizens. On the commercial data track, the US have agreed to a review of the so-called Safe Harbour framework. Transparency and legal certainty are essential to transatlantic trade – we all agree on that.’
A joint statement by the US and EU leaders said that the parties are committed to ‘expedite negotiations of a meaningful and comprehensive data protection umbrella agreement for data exchanges in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, including terrorism. We reaffirm our commitment in these negotiations to work to resolve the remaining issues, including judicial redress.’
‘In addition, we are committed to strengthening the Safe Harbour Framework in a comprehensive manner by summer 2014.’
Vice President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding, tweeted: ‘EU-US summit is advancing our data protection negotiations. Reciprocal rights for EU citizens are in reach. US laws should now follow words.’