DPAs: DP is not just the responsibility of apps developers

In a resolution adopted at the 35th International DPA conference in Warsaw on 24 September, DPAs from around the world stress that in addition to app developers, providers of operating systems should bear responsibility for privacy on the frameworks in which apps are used. The DPAs stress that while these providers already often offer general privacy settings on mobile devices, it is not enough as individuals will not gain full control of all aspects of data collection. The DPAs encourage companies to adopt privacy seals and other enforceable certification schemes.

The DPAs talk about "appification of society". To better manage the situation, individuals need clear information about data collection, and DPAs themselves should raise awareness of these issues even more.

Speaking at the conference, Chairman of the DPAs' EU Art. 29 Data Protection Working Party, Jacob Kohnstamm, said that those who download apps should be aware of the privacy risks. Much can be achieved by Privacy by Default, as it comes close to explicit consent, he said.

The DPAs say that they will try to improve privacy in the area of mobile apps in the coming year and will return to this issue at next year's conference, provisionally booked for September 2014 in Mauritius