Full programme below, or download it as a pdf.
Part 1
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
15.15 |
Registration and Tea |
15.45 |
WelcomePaul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald |
15.50 |
IntroductionStewart Dresner, Chief Executive, Privacy Laws & Business
16.05 |
Demonstrating compliance by keeping records (Art. 30 GDPR)Steve Wright, CEO, Privacy Culture, and Formerly Interim Data Protection Officer, Bank of England Chair: Stewart Dresner, Chief Executive, Privacy Laws & Business |
16.45 |
Practical responses to data breaches post GDPR, notifications to the DP Commission and to data subjects, and related record-keeping (Art. 33 GDPR)Denis Kelleher, Head of Privacy EMEA, LinkedIn Chair: Paul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald |
17.20 |
Which types of guidance would data controllers and data processors like from the Data Protection Commission?Conference participants Chair: Paul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald |
17.30 |
Close |
19.30 |
Dinner at a restaurantSenior Data Protection Commission Staff have been invited to the dinner as guests of the conference |
Part 2 | Thursday, 9 May 2019 |
09.00 |
Registration and Coffee |
09.30 |
The role of Data Protection Officers/Privacy Officers and the Data Protection Commission’s engagement with them (Arts. 37-39 GDPR and Section 34 DPA)Dennis Kelleher, Data Protection Officer, LinkedIn Chair: Paul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald
10.15 |
Parallel sessionsData protection by design and default (GDPR Art. 25)Rachael Gallagher, Manager, Data Privacy, Deloitte Ireland Chair: Stewart Dresner, Chief Executive, Privacy Laws & Business
Data protection impact assessment (GDPR Arts. 35-36)Doug McMahon, Partner, McCann FitzGerald Chair: Adam Finlay, Partner, McCann FitzGerald
11.00 |
Coffee |
11.20 |
Access requestsSadhbh O'Sullivan, Senior Associate, McCann FitzGerald Chair: Paul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald
12.00 |
Integrating Ireland’s data protection law into everyday business: The Data Protection Commissioner’s perspectiveHelen Dixon, Commissioner for Data Protection Chair: Stewart Dresner, Chief Executive, Privacy Laws & Business |
13.00 |
Lunch |
14.00 |
Enforcement: Defending your reputationChair: Paul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald How the Data Protection Commission conducts civil and criminal investigationsJoanne Neary, Solicitor, Data Protection Commission, Ireland Cases from the Data Protection Commission’s Special Investigations UnitTony Delaney, Head, Special Investigations Unit, Data Protection Commission, Ireland Aggravating and mitigating factors behind the size of finesKen Macdonald, Head of the UK ICO’s Regional Offices including Northern Ireland |
15.00 |
Parallel sessionsOn-boarding and oversight of processorsPaul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald Chair: Daniel Cooper, Partner, Covington & Burling LLP
Legitimate Interest AssessmentsAdam Finlay, Partner, McCann FitzGerald Chair: Sadhbh O'Sullivan, Senior Associate, McCann FitzGerald
15.45 |
Tea |
16.00 |
International transfers of personal data (Arts. 44-50 GDPR and Section 37 DPA)Chair: Laura Linkomies, Editor, Privacy Laws & Business Impact of Brexit in Ireland – cross-border data flowsKen Macdonald, Head of the UK ICO’s Regional Offices including Northern Ireland International transfers outside the EEALinda NiChualladh, EMEA Assistant General Counsel, IP and O&T Law Group, EMEA, Citi, Ireland
16.40 |
GDPR implementation across the EU: How do Ireland’s national derogations compare with other EU Member States? (DPA Sections 36-55, 60-61 and 162 and Arts. 88-89 GDPR)Emma Redmond, Senior Director for Privacy and Data Protection, Ancestry Chair: Doug McMahon, Partner, McCann FitzGerald |
17.20 |
Issues on the near horizonPaul Lavery, Partner, McCann FitzGerald |
17.30 |
Close and DrinksSponsored by McCann FitzGerald |
Conference Speakers