Assessing Ongoing Risks

06 February 2019

Equiniti, London


This is not the time for a relaxed view on enforcement of national data protection laws. 

Regulatory action, not to mention proportionate but still substantial fines, remain one of several tangible and ongoing risks.

This Roundtable recognises that the drama in May last year of the GDPR fully applying, and the subsequent adoption of the EU Member States’ data protection laws, may have diminished. But now these laws have been strengthened, organisations have stricter duties and individuals have stronger rights. Whatever the form of Brexit, the UK’s data protection law will remain near identical to the GDPR so that the UK can earn an adequacy approval by the European Commission.

Company data protection managers and lawyers will exchange experience on integrating the GDPR, the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and other national DP laws into their everyday operations:

  • The practical steps they have been taking
  • Plans they are prioritising to continue to maintain their momentum
  • How they are working in practice

The emphasis will be on practical experience rather than legal advice.

Date: 6 February 2019, 09.00h.-17.30h.

Location: Equiniti, London

Host: Adam Green, Chief Risk Officer, Equiniti, UK



  • Data Protection Impact Assessments
  • Implementation and resource implications
  • Vendor risks
  • Action to prepare for potential third party claims
  • When is a DPO needed?

If you have any topics you wish to add to the programme please let us know.

A follow-up report will be produced by the PL&B editorial team after the Roundtable summarising the issues and action points without identifying the names of organisations or those reporting on their experience. The anonymity of this arrangement gives everyone involved the confidence to speak freely.

This event is limited to 20 people to facilitate discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.

Lunch is included, ideal for networking.

This event qualifies for 6 SRA Continuing Professional Development hours.