Making your case in Europe: Defending against DPA inquiries and sanctions
18 May 2022
Webinar to help you negotiate with the DPAs in France, Germany, Ireland and Spain
Event video and slides - Event attendees only
Date: Wednesday 18 May 2022
Times: 09.30 to 11.00 BST
Location: Online
CPE Credits: 1.5
Data Protection Authorities across Europe are active in conducting inquiries and investigations either on their own initiative or in response to complaints. Some DPAs announce in advance the sectors on which they will focus. Inquiries and Investigations can take the form of in-person visits to companies while other investigations can be conducted online, if the review is of websites or other online communications.
In either case, the more that a company is well-prepared to respond to such inquiries, the better will be the outcome from the company perspective. There are inevitably differences between countries in the way that such initiatives by DPAs are conducted.
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