Scanning Data Protection Horizons in the Asia-Pacific Region
14 October 2008
Strasbourg, France
Data Protection and Privacy Laws work very differently in the Asia-Pacific region compared with Europe and North America.
How do you address privacy challenges in this fast-growing region?
This conference will provide the best ever update in Europe on privacy developments in the Asia-Pacific Region. The programme includes 10 countries, regional developments and progress reports on how leading multinational companies with headquarters in Japan, France, Germanyand the United Kingdom are managing personal data, and their plans to develop their global privacy policies in the region.
Data Protection Authority, Government & PL&B Speakers
- Joan Sheedy, Assistant Secretary, Privacy and FOI Policy Branch, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australia
- Ouyang Wu, Deputy Director, Department of Information Security Coordination, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China
- Karen Curtis, Privacy Commissioner, Australia
- Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
- Katrine Evans, Assistant Commissioner (Legal),
Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand - Dr Hiroshi Miyashita, Advisor, Office of Personal Information
Protection, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan - Professor Graham Greenleaf, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Australia, and Asia-Pacific Editor, PL&B International Newsletter
Professor Greenleaf will explain privacy developments and the underlying structures in: South Korea, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and the
Philippines, and will also cover regional developments:
- The privacy process within APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation between 21 countries in the region)
- OECD Guidelines on privacy and their impact in the region
- Council of Europe Convention 108 on data protection, which is open to Asia-Pacific countries.
Company Speakers
- Yoshiyuki Mikami, Senior Security Specialist, CISSP, Security Management Department, Sony Global Solutions Inc., Japan
- Nathalie Métallinos, Head of Data Protection, Legal Department, Société Générale, France, on challenges and solutions for a EU based group, in particular its plans to use Binding Corporate Rules
- Chris Newiger, Group Privacy Officer, Adidas AG, Germany
- Sandra Kelman, Global Privacy Lead, BP, New Zealand
There are widely differing enforcement mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific region, including class actions, mediation and public apologies, in addition to the civil and criminal sanctions which are more familiar to those doing business in Europe and North America. The programme will include transferring personal data to the region, outsourcing, negotiating data processing contracts and data security.
This Asia-Pacific Conference takes place on Tuesday, October 14th, the day before the Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners' 30th Annual Conference, which also takes place in Strasbourg.
This event is organised in cooperation with Gliss & Kramer, Germany, and with the support of Data Protection Commissioners: France's CNIL and Germany's Bundesbeauftragter fuer Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit.
Media Partners: Datenschutz-Berater and Expertises