6th Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conference

27 September 2017

Hong Kong


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The Law and Technology Centre of the Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, has the pleasure to host the 6th APSN International Conference on the 27th September 2017.

This coincides with the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners which will take place in Hong Kong from the 25th to 29th September 2017. Government officials, legal practitioners, academics, advocates and representatives of business and non-governmental organizations across the world will gather at this international conference. It is an opportune moment for APSN members to meet up during this period to study the latest developments of privacy and data protection across the globe.

Challenges of privacy and data protection evolves at a rapid pace on par with new technology development. This APSN International Conference aims to give an update on the latest development, trends and status in privacy and data protection. We hope to gain insights and draw on experience from our speakers on current issues, including but not limited to Big Data analytics, data-driven governance, artificial intelligence, algorithms, and cyber security.

We look forward to welcoming you in Hong Kong.

Professor Anne S.Y. Cheung
Law and Technology Centre
Faculty of Law
The University of Hong Kong

Further information and registration at: www.asianprivacy.org/apsn2017