Dr Oliver Butler is a Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, and an Associate Research Fellow at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at the University of Oxford. His research interests are in information law, particularly privacy, data protection and confidentiality. His current research considers whether there are convincing justifications for regulating public authorities differently from private actors in relation to the regulation of information. He completed his PhD on the history of the public-private divide in UK information law and his teaching interests are in constitutional and administrative law. Oliver previously worked as a research assistant at the Law Commission on the Data Sharing Between Public Bodies Project and completed his BA in law at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, BCL at Lincoln College, Oxford and LLM at Harvard Law School.
Danilo Doneda is a Lawyer and Professor at IDP and an advisor to the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br). He holds a PhD in Civil Law (State University of Rio de Janeiro). He is a member of the advisory boards of the United Nations Global Pulse Privacy Group, the Project Children and Consumption (Instituto Alana) and Open Knowledge Brasil. He previously served as General Coordinator at the Ministry of Justice (Brazil). He was a visiting researcher at the Italian Data Protection Authority (Rome, Italy), University of Camerino (Camerino, Italy) and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg, Germany). He authored books and several papers and articles about civil law, digital rights, privacy and data protection. Part of his work is available at www.doneda.net/
Dr Julian Huppert is an academic and politician. He was the Member of Parliament for Cambridge 2010-5, and is now the Director of the Intellectual Forum at Jesus College, Cambridge. He is a Director of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and Vice-Chair of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. He was the first Chair of the Panel of Independent Reviewers of DeepMind Health.
Dr David Erdos is University Senior Lecturer in Law and the Open Society and Deputy Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law in the Faculty of Law at Cambridge. He is also WYNG Fellow in Law at Trinity Hall. David's current research focuses on data protection especially as it interacts with freedom of expression and freedom of the arts and sciences. Drawing on his background in both law and political science, much of his work has engaged in systematic comparative analysis of different legal jurisdictions blending qualitative, quantitative and doctrinal analysis.
Christopher Millard is Professor of Privacy and Information Law and head of the Cloud Legal Project in the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London. He is also co-director of the Microsoft Cloud Computing Research Centre and is Senior Counsel to the law firm Bristows. He has over 35 years of experience in the technology law field, in both academia and legal practice. He is Editor and Co-Author of Cloud Computing Law (Oxford University Press) and is a founding editor of the International Journal of Law and IT and of International Data Privacy Law. Christopher is a Fellow and former Chairman of the Society for Computers & Law, a past-President of the International Federation of Computer Law Associations, and a past-Chair of the Technology Law Committee of the International Bar Association. A selection of his papers is available for free download from SSRN.
Dr Nóra Ní Loideáin is Director and Lecturer in Law of the Information Law and Policy Centre at the University of London Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Associate Fellow of the University of Cambridge Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. Her research and publications focus on governance, human rights, and technology, particularly the areas of digital privacy and data protection.
Her forthcoming publications include her PhD from the University of Cambridge on the surveillance of communications metadata for national security and law enforcement purposes under European human rights law. This is the focus of her monograph on EU Data Privacy Law and Serious Crime: Data Retention and Policymaking (Oxford University Press). She is also co-author of the forthcoming textbook: Lynskey & Ní Loideáin, Data Protection Law and Policy (Oxford University Press).
Nóra is also an editor of the leading peer-review journal International Data Privacy Law (Oxford University Press), serves on the Board of Trustees of the British and Irish Legal Institute (BAILII), and is a member of the Open Data Institute (ODI) Working Group on Data Trusts. Prior to her academic career, she was a Legal and Policy Officer for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions of Ireland and clerked for the Irish Supreme Court.