Roundtable with the European Data Protection Supervisor
09 March 2016
EDPS Office, Brussels
On the initiative of Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), PL&B has organised a Roundtable with him and seven members of his senior team at his office in Brussels.
The most pressing issues
The sessions cover some of the most pressing issues for companies:
- Overview of the EDPS's role
- Towards a new digital ethics
- Transferring personal data from the European Economic Area to the US and other third countries
- A 'big data protection ecosystem'
- The EDPS's involvement in recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union
- Coherent enforcement of individual rights in the digital single market.
EDPS the more influential EU-wide Data Protection Regulator
With political agreement on the EU Data Protection Regulation now reached, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers are now tidying up the 209 page text ready for translation into the European Union's 24 official and working languages. This Roundtable will be your ideal opportunity to discuss with Giovanni Buttarelli and 7 senior members of his team the EDPS's role in this new legal environment as the European Union's Data Protection Authority, and its relationship with the national Data Protection Authorities.
Your questions answered
Each session has time allocated for your questions and discussion. For example:
- How does the EDPS work in advising the EU institutions on issues directly relevant to business, such as strengthening consumer law and the development of the digital single market?
- How does the EDPS formulate its policies and provide an EU level input to national authorities?
- How will the new Data Protection Board (DPB) work in coordinating the efforts of national Data Protection Authorities? The EDPS will provide the secretariat. What will be the differences from the current EU Art. 29 Data Protection Working Party? The DPB will have legal personality so in what circumstances could its decisions be appealed?
- Which EDPS initiatives will have the most impact on business?
- How does the EDPS make its case to the Court of Justice of the European Union?
This will be your first and best opportunity to get around a table with the EDPS senior team and assess the way forward on these sensitive issues which will have a major impact on how your company's compliance will be supervised and the law enforced.