Global Warning! Privacy Climate Changes Ahead

02 - 04 July 2007

St. John's College, Cambridge, UK


The privacy climate changes ahead are many and that they are heading your way, regardless of your sector.

Conference Programme

The new features of the data protection scene – as well as the latest updates on familiar topics – are reflected in this conference programme:

  1. New strategies and priorities of national data protection regulators
  2. New tools being used by the national data protection regulators,such as working with other regulatory bodies with stronger powers
  3. The future of privacy including mobile marketing, Geographical Positioning Systems and tools for mass surveillance
  4. The ever-increasing role of social networking sites in the workplace, plus new legal approaches to employee vetting and monitoring
  5. The use of privacy impact assessments by the US Department of Justice
  6. The application of the criminal law to privacy issues
  7. The expansion of data protection law to Dubai and China, and the implications for doing business in their regions 
  8. Information governance, information sharing in the National Health Service and the public sector in general, and responding to commercial requests for data under the Freedom of Information Act and other laws
  9. Data security breaches and establishing a breach notification programme
  10. A look at fundamentals, such as the EU Data Protection Directive, and basic definitions, such as ‘data processor’ and ‘data controller’.

There are privacy climate changes ahead. You have been warned.
This is your best opportunity to learn how to take action.