DP rules apply to business use of wearable technology
The ICO has today published a blog explaining the circumstances in which the use of wearable technology, such as running “smart bands,” has Data Protection Act implications. The blog, written by Andrew Paterson, Senior Technology Officer, states that personal use of the data would be covered by an exemption. But “further functions might involve wider sharing of your personal data, for instance, checking how your performance has improved compared to others. Some functions, such as plotting your route on a map after your run, might be more efficiently performed using an online service, even though it might not be strictly necessary to do this.”
He continues: “…If you were to one day decide that you’d like to start using this information for other purposes outside of your personal use, for example to support a local campaign or to start a business, then this exemption would no longer apply.”
There is a session on wearable technology on Wednesday 2nd July at New Horizons – New Risks, Privacy Laws & Business’s 27th Annual International conference at Queens’ College, Cambridge.